About Me

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Los Gatos, California, United States
Kevin is currently the certified superintendent at La Rinconada Country Club. Kevin was the Director of Maintenance at Lahontan Golf Club for over 14 years. Some of the responsibilities over the expanse of his career include the daily upkeep of multiple golf courses, natural resources, environmental compliance, and roads and streets. The wide ranging expertise has come from a combination of education and experiences. Degrees in Meteorology (1987 University of Nebraska/Lincoln), and Horticulture (1992 Colorado State), complete the formal side of this important combination of qualifications. A lifetime of experience around golf courses, and the game of golf was provided by Kevin's father.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dry and Cool Has Me Thinking Drought Again

It has been a while since my last posting and that is because it looked so promising for the winter rains returning and  being locked into projects with little new going on. Well that is not the case as it turns out.

There has been no rain since mid December and no sign of its return. That spells trouble for the entire state this summer, not just the golf course. In our situation we will have switched over to our well water by May. That is not to say we will not be conserving water, however we will be in a better position to water the course in 2015. Removal of high water use turf and replacing with wood chips or native grasses are key to our success in reducing our water use.
Mulched areas added around trees will help conserve water

The investments that La Rinconada is making now for a long term water source are critical. If you are on the fence about that last statement you need to go no further than 20 miles down the road to Pasatiempo to see what happens when your water supply is cut off. In fairness, they are recovering extremely well, but the summer of 2014 is one they never want to repeat.

New native grass plantings in the parking lot

In the next month look for more work that ensures La Rinconada is sustainable during times of drought. Pond excavation, native grasses and mulch are a key component of our strategy.
